Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lyme Disease & Storiesmore Condition_symptoms What's The Difference Between Meningitis And Lyme Disease?

What's the difference between meningitis and lyme disease? - lyme disease & storiesmore condition_symptoms

I was recently with Lyme disease and my symptoms diagnosed adaptation to a T, headache, stiff neck and everything. However, my mother, because of Lyme meningitis and is worried his neck / head pain is worse than ever. Both have the same symptoms. Is there any way to know without meningitis, a lumbar puncture (very afraid of needles ...)

Thank you!


tHa PregO Nurse is 21 weeks!! said...

Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, collectively called the meninges. Meningitis can be in response to a number of causes, usually bacteria, viruses and other pathogens to develop drugs, but also physical injury, cancer or certain

Lyme disease or borreliosis, is a new infectious disease caused by at least three species of bacteria of the genus Borrelia (caused, for example, ticks)

Joe said...

with meningitis or blood infection, or a skin rash that NOTfade pressure. If you develop a rash, or a drink, and then press on the rash, when he goes away a year if you are not here to go to the ER ASAP

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